Terms & Conditions

1.      Purpose

The purpose of this document is to establish the General Conditions of Use of: www.learning.nesol.net (hereinafter the Web portal), which is owned by: Nesol – Numerical Engineering Solutions Sàrl, domiciled for the purposes of notifications in EPFL Innovation Park, Building D, 1015, Lausanne VD, Switzerland. Contact email: info@nesol.net. Trade register of the Canton de Vaud, Journal N. 6532 Page/ID 1004875450 of 17th April 2020.

These General Conditions of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain Web portal Services, due to their particular characteristics, may be subject, in addition to the General Conditions of Use, to their own specific contracting conditions (hereinafter the Specific Contracting Conditions).

The owner of the Web portal reserves the right to amend these General Conditions of Use in order to adapt them to the current legislation applicable at any time, the jurisprudential novelties and the usual market practices.

2.      Conditions of access and use of the Web portal

2.1. User Status

The use on the part of the User of any of the Web portal’s Services involves their adherence and explicit acceptance of all the General Conditions of Use in the version published on this website at the time when the User accesses the Web portal, as well as of the Specific Contracting Conditions that, where appropriate, are applicable.

In general, to access Web portal Services, User Registration will not be necessary. However, the contracting of certain Services (which the User will have previously been informed of on the website) could be subject to the User’s prior registration. This registration shall be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the Service itself or in the Specific Conditions that apply to it.

2.2. Use of the Web portal and its services

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and/or services offered by the owner of the Web portal will be at their own risk and/or responsibility.

The User undertakes to make use of the Web portal and all its contents and Services in accordance with the provisions of the law, morality, public order and these General Conditions of Use, and in the Specific Conditions that, if appropriate, are applicable. Likewise, the User undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and/or contents of the Web portal and not to use the latter to carry out illicit or criminal activities, which violate the rights of third parties and/or infringe the regulations on intellectual and industrial property, or any other rules of the applicable legal system.

The User undertakes not to transmit, introduce, disseminate or make available to third parties, any type of material and information (contained data, messages, drawings, sound and image files, photographs, software, etc.) that are contrary to the law, morals, public order and these General Conditions of Use and, where appropriate, the Specific Conditions that apply to it.

3.      Intellectual and industrial property

The contents, elements and information which the user can access through the Web portal are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights of the owner of the Web portal and any third-party holders thereof. Accordingly, access to these contents or elements does not grant the User the right to alter, amend, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate them or any other right that corresponds to the owner of the right which is concerned.

The User must refrain from deleting the identifying signs of the rights (of intellectual, industrial or any other property) of www.learning.nesol.net or of the third parties that appear on the Web portal and in each of the various Services offered through it. Likewise, the User must refrain from circumventing or manipulating any technical devices established for the protection of their rights by the owner of the Web portal or by third parties, be they in the Web portal, in any of the Services or in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through the use thereof.

4.      Exclusion of guarantees. Liability.

4.1. Availability and Continuity of the Web portal and Services

The owner of the Web portal does not guarantee the availability of or access to the Web portal or its Services. The owner of the Web portal shall not be liable, as far as the limits established in the current legal system, for the damages caused to the User as a consequence of the unavailability, access failures and lack of continuity of the Web portal and its Services.

4.2 Contents and Services

The owner of the Web portal shall be liable solely and exclusively for the Services that are provided by itself and for the contents that have been directly created by it. Said liability shall be excluded in cases where force majeure events occur, or where the configuration of the User’s computer is not adequate to allow the correct use of the Internet services provided by the owner of the Web portal.

4.3 Third-Party Contents and Services

The owner of the Web portal does not previously control, approve or endorse the contents, services, opinions, data communications, files, products or any kind of third-party information, or that of legal or physical persons, which is included or which may be included in the Web portal. Similarly, the owner does not guarantee the legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the contents, information and services of third parties in the Web portal.

The owner of the Web portal does not previously control or guarantee the absence of viruses and other elements in the Contents and services provided or that may be provided by third parties through the Web portal, which may introduce alterations in the users’ computer system, electronic documents or files.

The owner of the Web portal shall not be liable, neither indirectly nor subsidiarily, for damages of any nature derived from the use and contracting of third-party Contents and Services in the Web portal nor for their absence of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

The owner of the Web portal shall not be responsible, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any kind arising from the negligent or malicious use of email accounts used for any type of insertion, communication, undertaking or behaviour on the Web portal.

The owner of the Web portal shall not be responsible, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any kind caused to the User as a result of the presence of viruses or other elements in the contents and Services provided by third parties that may alter the user´s computer system, electronic documents or files.

5.      Contracting with third parties that are advertised in the Web portal

The User acknowledges and accepts that any contractual or extra-contractual relationship with third parties contacted through the Web portal, as well as their participation in contests, promotions, sales, the rental of goods or services is understood to be carried out solely and exclusively between the User, the advertiser and/or third-party. Accordingly, the User accepts that the owner of the Web portal is not in any way liable for damages or losses of any kind caused by their negotiations, conversations and/or contractual or extra-contractual relationships with the advertisers or third-party natural or legal persons contacted through the Web portal.

6.      Technical linking devices

The web Portal makes available to users technical linking devices and search tools that allow access to websites owned by other entities (text links).

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents of linked websites shall be at their sole risk and responsibility and exonerates the Web portal owner from any responsibility for technical availability of the linked websites, quality, reliability, accuracy and/or veracity of the services, information, elements and/or contents which the customer is able to access thereof and in the search directories included in the Web portal.

The owner of the Web portal shall not be indirectly or subsidiarily liable for damages of any kind arising from a) the functioning, unavailability, inaccessibility and lack of continuity of the linked websites and/or available search directories; b) the lack of maintenance and updating of the contents and services contained on the linked websites; c) the lack of quality, inaccuracy, illegality, uselessness of the contents and services of the linked websites.

7.      Term and resolution

The provision of the Web portal’s services and/or its contents has an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the Web portal is entitled to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the provision of the service at any time and without notice, the same being true for the Web portal and/or any of the services, without prejudice to what would have been arranged in this respect in the corresponding specific conditions.

8.      Law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by Swiss law. The parties submit, by choice and in order to resolve conflicts, renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile.


9.      Purpose

These General Conditions regulate the contracting of distance training courses and webinars that are offered through the web page: www.learning.nesol.net (hereinafter, the “Web portal”) and that shall be incorporated into your training contract (hereinafter, the “Contract”) at the end of the Purchase Process, with the parties being obliged from that moment on to comply with the provisions thereof.

The owner of the Web portal (hereinafter “Online training centre”), can amend these General Contracting Conditions at any time. Under no circumstances shall such amendments affect the training contracts that were signed prior to the approval of said amendments, which shall be governed in any case by the General Conditions in force at the time of the making of these other purchases. It is the customer’s responsibility to be aware of the General Purchase Conditions in force at the time of the start of the Purchase Process.

These General Conditions may be completed or amended by specific clauses or specific conditions of certain products, especially in terms of the existence of any right of withdrawal, or to changes or refunds. Carefully check the product information so you are aware of these specific conditions.

10.  Contracting process

The contracting process consists of the following procedures:

  • Course or webinar selection: Browse our page and click on the “Register” button. Registering for a course is personal and non-transferable, unless expressly authorized by the owner of the website.
  • Insert your personal data: Fill the registration form with your personal and contact data (including e-mail, phone number, address).
  • Verification of the purchase data: Before selecting the means of payment, you can verify the data of your purchase and correct any error that may have occurred when entering your data. Once you have verified your information, confirm your order.
  • Selection of the means of payment: Select the payment method you prefer and press the “Make payment” button. The system will then redirect you to the chosen payment system where you must provide all the necessary data for said means of payment. This will be the only time you will be asked for this information. When you provide all the necessary information and press the purchase confirmation button, for all intents and purposes the contract is concluded. In the case of credit card payment, the Web portal shall be responsible for transactions on the website.
  • Confirmation of purchase or contracting of course or webinar: Once we receive your acceptance and pre-authorization of the agreed price, the User is enrolled to the training course. The course will remain in the “scheduled” status until the achievement of the minimum number of students. The agreed price will be pre-authorized on the selected payment method.
  • Confirmation/Cancellation of the course: Once the minimum number of participants is reached, the course is officially confirmed (its status switches to “confirmed”) and the pre-authorized course price is cashed. The student will receive the official confirmation of the enrolment and the information to download the course documentation and to access the online training sessions. In case the minimum number of participants is not reached, the course is cancelled and the pre-authorized course price is released and not cashed. An official communication will be addressed to the subscribed User to inform about the cancellation and the resiliation of the pre-authorization option.

Once the purchase is confirmed, the customer cannot amend or cancel the order.

The minimum age for the purchase of courses is 18 years.

In the case of payment by card, the Web portal shall be responsible for transactions carried out on the website.

11.  Contents and Methodology

The User knows and accepts the structuring and composition of the material, the conditions of use of the latter and the specifics of the course.

The programme shall be the one that appears on the website.

The course shall be held following the criterion of tutors with practical knowledge and professional experience of the subjects to be taught. The programming and contents of the courses, tests and exercises to be undertaken are carried out in accordance with teaching and pedagogical criteria.

From the first day of the course, the course’s contents and training resources will be available through the virtual classroom. The student will be free to use such resources on the screen or to print them out. The owner of the website, unless otherwise stated, shall not physically send any material.

Once the course has finished, the training centre undertakes to issue and deliver to the students a certificate of the studies they have completed (without official academic effects).

12.  Refunds of payments.

The student has the right to use the services during the period established in the contract conditions, which will be specified on the website and in email communications.

Once the course is confirmed, no amount shall be returned to the students for voluntary withdrawal or when they do not certify in a reliable manner which force majeure is demonstrated thereof.

The owner of the website shall reimburse the students with the amounts paid within a period of 14 calendar days, in the following cases:

  • Due to the delayed start of the course, for a period exceeding 15 days, provided that the student is not interested in continuing.
  • When the course is axed or cancelled for reasons of force majeure after its confirmation.

Refunds shall be made upon presentation of the corresponding receipt, and once the origin of the refund is proven.

13.  Ownership of the training content.

The course contents, which are owned by the website, are edited by the owner and teachers who teach the course and are normally updated with every new edition. The intellectual property rights of the content available on the website, its graphic designs and codes are the property of the website’s owner and/or third parties who have assigned such rights. Therefore, the content’s reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal or private use. Any use of the latter, which is contrary to intellectual property rules, may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

14.  Technical service

The training centre is committed to keeping the virtual training platform in working order.

Likewise, the student must have certain programs such as a PDF document, FLASH files, video and files with a .doc extension reader. The student must have a computer with an appropriate Internet connection which is well set-up for using the training platform, with the student him/herself bearing all the costs for these items.

The student realizes and accepts that the impossibility of following the course due to an improper installation or their Internet connection is no reason for a refund of the amount of the course.

The training centre shall not be responsible for delays or failures that occur in the operation of its technological architecture, nor for interruptions or malfunctions in the contracted services when they occur due to causes beyond the centre’s reasonable control.

15.  Applicable Law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by Swiss law. The parties submit, by choice and in order to resolve conflicts, renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile.